About dev-docs

Dev-Docs Home

You have arrived in a place similar to many you have seen before but at the same time wholely different.

This is a Gemini "capsule", the equivalent of a website but hosted on the Gemini protocol and written in Gemtext markup format.

Project Gemini
A quick introduction to "gemtext" markup

This particular capsule is being served up by Space Age (the Clojurian's Gemini Server) by yours truly: Gary Johnson.

Space Age on GitLab

The contents of this capsule are meant to be collaboratively developed by the Environmental Software team within SIG, using our text editors of choice, git for version control, and whichever Gemini client you most resonate with for browsing. There's a good chance your operating system's package manager already has at least one available for you to grab easily. On the other hand, if you want to browse a big list of well known clients to find one even more fitting to your personal style, check out the link below.

Gemini Clients

If you would like to contribute to dev-docs, you can clone its repository on GitLab. All SIG developers should already have access to it. Please submit your changes via MRs on the repository. After being reviewed and merged, we will get them deployed to this site for everyone to enjoy.

For more information on getting set up locally in order to contribute to dev-docs for the first time, check out the link below.

Contributing to dev-docs

Happy hacking!
