GeoSync Scripts

Our Applications and Libraries

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Source Code

GitHub Repo

Software Stack

This repository is to be used in tandem with GeoSync. It is a collection of bash scripts, GeoSync config files (.edn format), systemd service files, and text files (used as a placeholder for crontabs).

GeoSync Scripts is used everywhere that GeoSync is used:

| GeoServer Name  | Type |    VPN    |                           Layers                              |
| shasta          | prod | sixrivers | Fuels, fire weather, fire risk, optional layers, active fires |
| solitaire       | dev  | helios    | Fuels, fire weather, fire risk, optional layers, active fires |
| trinity         | prod | sixrivers | Fire spread layers (active fires tab)                         |
| swift           | dev  | helios    | Fire spread layers (active fires tab)                         |
| sierra          | prod | sixrivers | Match drop                      |
| tern            | dev  | helios    | WG4 (long-term-forecast) layers. Planned for match drop       |
| parrot          | prod | helios    | PSPS layers (deenergization, fire risk, fire weather, tlines) |
| quetzal/climate | prod | helios    | WG4 (long-term-forecast) layers                               |

Installation Instructions

When spinning up a new GeoServer, you will also need a clone of `geosync-scripts`. The `geosync-scripts` repo should be placed under `/opt/geosync-scripts`. You will then need to push a new sub-directory to the repo that has the same name as the VM/GeoServer that you are creating. All of the necessary files that you need should be placed there. For more detailed set-up instructions, please see the `geosync-scripts` README and the following dev-docs guide:

GeoServer Configuration Guide