ClojureScript Coding Style Guide

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Widely Accepted Style Norms

Before reading further, please visit the Clojure Coding Style guide page as any style norms in Clojure also apply to ClojureScript.

Clojure Coding Style Guide

SIG-specific Style Practices

The preferred order for Hiccup elements is as follows:

[:input {:id

We decide to alphabetize any style tags:

{:style {:background-color "white"
         :border           "1px solid"
         :border-color     "brown"
         :border-radius    "2px"
         :font-family      "inherit"
         :height           "1.75rem"
         :padding          ".25rem .5rem"}}

When aligning nested Hiccup elements, use one space for nested elements instead of two:

(defn foo []
  [:div {:style {:padding "0 .5rem"}}
   [:div {:style {:display "flex"}}
    [:h1 "Happy Hacking!"]
    [:p "Hello World!"]]])