SQL Coding Style Guide

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Author: Matt Spencer

Date: 2022-04-26

A style guide for SQL code.

Naming conventions

- Tables have plural name

- Primary key is the singular form of the table name with `_pid`

- Foreign keys have the same name as the primary key of the table its referencing but with `_rid` (it should be _fid but there are legacy reason we use rid)

- Ids at the boundary of a function (inputs or return values) just use `_id`.

- Input params start with _ and match the table params when possible, and not an id.


- 4 space tabs

- Column align 4 spaces after longest for return type table and table definitions.

- 1 space indent for the function definition block after the initial line. This helps with code folding.

- indent AND / ON for WHERE / JOIN clauses


- All SQL keywords are uppercase

- SQL types and functions are lower case


- Functions with 1 SQL statement have no `;` internally to the function. If you have multiple statements, you need the `;`. Limit the number of functions that have multiple statements

- Calling a function from within a function can be simpler, but be very careful as it can be a performance limit. Simple helper functions are generally fine.

- Postgres uses WITH instead of temp tables.

- Postgres has a short had way to write queries that are only INNER JOINs

FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1_id = table2_id;

Is the same as

SELECT * FROM table1
      ON table1_id = table2_id;