Upload Team Presentations to NextCloud

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Author: Thomas DeVera

Date: 2022-07-12

One of the helpful tools available to the SIG Software Team is the Lightening Talk, in which our developers give a talk about a process or development tool that they have found useful in their own work. These talks are given every couple of weeks or so and are usually recorded. There are cases where watching a replay of those talks at a later date would come in handy. Below are instructions on how to upload those videos to the SIG NextCloud account and how to make the link available for later viewing in the Team Presentations section on the Dev Docs Tutorials page.

The process currently works as follows:

1. Obtain the mp4 file from the host of the recorded session on one of the conference platforms (i.e. Zoom or GoogleMeets)

2. Upload the mp4 file to the SIG NextCloud Environmental Software Folder

3. You will add the NextCloud link that you copied in step 2. to Dev-Docs in the Team Presentations section of the Tutorials page. Follow the standard steps for checking out the dev-docs repository and creating your own branch.

4. Paste the link that you copied to the Clipboard as the final step in 2. above into the document-root/tutorials/index.gmi in the section "Team Presentations." Paste the link in alphabetical order to ensure that as the list grows, finding the desired presentation link is made a little easier.

5. Make sure to also add a title for this link. Use the existing links/titles as examples.

6. After saving the document-root/tutorials/index.gmi file, follow the standard steps for checking it in and creating a PR.