Screen Tips 'n Tricks

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To initialize a screen session, simply type `screen` in your terminal.

From there, you can use the following cheat sheet to use `screen` like a pro!

| Screen Command |                                     Description                                      |
| CTRL+a c       |    Create a new screen window.                                                       |
| CTRL+a n       |    Navigate to the next screen window.                                               |
| CTRL+a p       |    Navigate to the previous screen window.                                           |
| CTRL+a S       |    Split your screen window horizontally into two screen windows.                    |
| CTRL+a TAB     |    Move between your open screen windows.                                            |
| CTRL+a w       |    Show all open screen windows.                                                     |
| CTRL+a [       |    Enter 'copy mode'. This allows you to navigate up and down in your screen window. |
| ESC            |    Exit 'copy mode'.                                                                 |
| CTRL+a ?       |    Help page.                                                                        |
| CTRL+a d       |    Detach from the `screen` session.                                                 |
| screen -r      |    Reattach to the previously detached `screen` session.                             |
| screen -ls     |    List open screen processes.                                                       |
| exit           |    Disconnect and exit from your screen window/session.                              |